• January 2014


          The Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity

          The Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC, Polish Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is one of the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organizations in Poland. The GOCC Foundation has American Heart Association Certification for providing courses in CPR and ECC, and use of high technology for medical lifesaving.

          It was founded in 1993 by Jerzy Owsiak, Lidia Niedźwiedzka-Owsiak, Bohdan Maruszewski, and Piotr Burczyński. The main objective, at that time, was "Protecting Health and Saving Children's Lives by Providing Medical Equipment to Public Hospitals" (as stated in the deed of foundation). During the first Finale (for the benefit of pediatric cardio-surgery) in the same year, the Foundation collected a total of USD 1,535,440.68. Every year, millions of Poles donate their money to the Foundation and, between 1993 and 2005, they collected more than $60 million for public hospitals in Poland.

          Apart from The Grand Finale, the Foundation also organizes one of the biggest rock concerts in Poland, Woodstock Festival Poland, and it started the Peace Patrol, a group of young volunteers trained in first aid by the GOCC, the Polish Red Cross and the Szadowo town police. In 2010, the Charity was paid to be 'sponsor' of Ruch Chorzów, one of Poland's top football teams.


          This year the group of volunteers from our school  took part in this activity for the second time.  They collected money in the streets and supermarkets in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.

          The total sum of money collected in Ostrowiec Św. amounted € 6 000.



          December 2013


          Santa Claus in  „Animals” association

          On 5th December 2013- the students from our school who work for the Young Ecology Club, took part in the activity organized by “Animals”association in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Collecting food and other necessary things for homeless animals was the main aim of that action.

          Our volunteers decorated the Christmas tree. They gave the donors hand - made Christmas cards which they had prepared by themselves. They handed some food over to homeless animals.



           Christmas tree of hope


          Foundation „Arka” annually organizes the action called the Christmas tree of hope. Our students took part in this activity for the first time.. The forestry from Ostrowiec Św. gave us a spruce. The students decorated it and on 20th December they went to the old people’s home. The students wished the pensioners Merry Christmas and gave them the Christmas tree and sang them some Christmas carols.




          November 2013


          Collecting food for people in need


          On 29th and - 30th November  2013, 23 students from our school took part in food collecting campaign called “Share the meal” which was organized by Food Bank.

          In September  there was a training during which our students got familiar with volunteers’ responsibilities and the mission of the Food Bank. The collected food was given to the organizations and the institution which  take care about children in a bad financial situation.



          September 2013


          Cleaning the World


          On 22nd September 2013 the students from our school took part in the local activity “Cleaning the world” . This year it is called “We discover clean Poland”. Before the activity the students had classes about ecology. We taught them how to segregate rubbish and showed them need to take care about our Earth.

          Since 1st September 2013 we have been collecting secondary raw materials. Our students and workers bring plastic caps, scrap paper, aluminium cans. There are two aims this activity. Firstly, we show our students that there is a need to take care about our planet. Secondly, we help others, for example: the plastic caps are given to the Association  “Animals” (they help homeless animals), the scrap paper  is given to school sports section Special Olimpics “Rywal”. The money which we have after selling cans are used for organizing activities connected with ecology. 

    • Kontakty

      • Zespół Szkół Specjalnych
      • sekretariat@zss.ostrowiec.pl ksiegowosc@zss.ostrowiec.pl dyrektor@zss.ostrowiec.pl wicedyrektor@zss.ostrowiec.pl
      • (41) 263 44 99
      • 27 -400 Ostrowiec Św. ul. Iłżecka 33
      • Kontakt do Inspektora Ochrony Danych w ZSS: iod@arx.net.pl
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