• COMENIUS 2013-2015 (EN)

        • http://www.facebook.com/pages/Todays-European/1408082492805403



          „Today’s European” project participant’s meeting


          From 5th to 9th May 2014 the second international meeting for the “Today’s European” project’s partners was held. The participants could see the Greek partner’s school, performances and art work done by students. The first international photo exhibition was shown which presented the local volunteering activities from every partners’ country.
          During our meeting at school the project’s poster was chosen. The winner poster was done at Polish school – Zespół Szkół Specjalnych.
          The whole Greek school society prepared some traditional snacks for the guests.
          The first common international volunteering activity– beach cleaning-was done. The partners who attended the meeting participated in the beach cleaning action with cooperation of the parents-teachers association and the volunteer firefighters.
          The project’s coordinators met a few times and did some work connected with the project’s realization for example:
          -planning the next mobility in Portugal,
          -elaboration of the partial report,
          -Power Point presentation of the activities performed by each country
          -discussion about some issue important for the project work.
          The hosts took care of the guests and took them to the most interesting and beautiful places on Lesbos island for example: the petrified forest in Sigri or the most picturesque village- Molyvos.
          The amazing scenery, sunny but sometimes windy weather and delicious Greek cuisine made that the trip to Greece unforgettable.





          Spanish week


          From 13th to 17th January 2014 we had “The Spanish week” at our school because of realizing the international project “Today’s European”.

          At the beginning of the month we started doing some preparations to celebrate the Spanish week. The students with teachers looked for some information about Spain. They prepared albums, flags, took part in decorating school classes with the  red and yellow colours.

          Every Spanish day was different.






          Visit In Turkey

          „Today’s European” project participant’s meeting


          It was the first time when the teachers from our school time took part in a foreign visit in Turkey from the 4th to 8th November 2013. Ilhan Cabuk from Izmir in Turkey is the project’s coordinator. During our stay in Izmir the new schedule of our activities and evaluations was established. We divided the duties among the project’s partners: Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Poland. We made a decision about our following mobility and activities.

          The coordinator of Polish team Aneta Stawczyk and the teachers who took part in the trip to Izmir found the hosts’ organization and commitment in the meeting perfect. They had an occasion to meet the people involved in the project. They took part in an English class for children, in an art class and they could stay with the students and teachers to observe and meet school every-day life. The Turkish partner showed the participants the most interesting and stunning places in Izmir and its surroundings.





           “Today’s Eurpean” logo contest


          On 26 th September the logo contest for the project “Today’s European” was announced. The whole school society were informed about it.

          During the Greek week at our school on 25th October the best logo for the project “Today’s European” was chosen by the school committee. The logos had been prepared by students, workers and parents.

          All school society could vote. The winner logo was prepared by the parent and the student – Patrycja Popek.






    • Kontakty

      • Zespół Szkół Specjalnych
      • sekretariat@zss.ostrowiec.pl ksiegowosc@zss.ostrowiec.pl dyrektor@zss.ostrowiec.pl wicedyrektor@zss.ostrowiec.pl
      • (41) 263 44 99
      • 27 -400 Ostrowiec Św. ul. Iłżecka 33
      • Kontakt do Inspektora Ochrony Danych w ZSS: iod@arx.net.pl
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